Who should take the course?
Food facilities that are required to comply with the IA Rule
Any stakeholder interested in learning more about the IA rule requirement
Delivery Methods
Asynchronous Learning: 100% self-paced online delivery with no Lead Instructors present physically or virtually. Estimated seat time: 25 - 35 minutes.
Follow these steps to access the free FSPCA Overview of the Intentional Adulteration Rule (IA Rule) online course:
Review the Course Requirements and Details
Click this link: FSPCA IA Rule Overview
Log in with username: FSPCA.free1 and password: safe.food
Click My Courses and select Resume
Select the Click to Begin button
FSPCA Overview of the IA Rule Course
This training will provide stakeholders with more information about the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) Final Rule on Mitigation Strategies to Protect Food Against Intentional Adulteration (21 CFR Part 121) (IA Rule).
The purpose of the IA Rule is to protect food from intentional acts of adulteration where there is an intent to cause wide scale public health harm. The final rule establishes various food defense measures that an owner, operator, or agent in charge of a facility is required to implement to protect against the intentional adulteration of food.
While this training course is optional and not required for compliance with the IA Rule, the information within this training will assist food facilities that are required to comply with the IA Rule, and other stakeholders, to have a more in-depth understanding of the requirements in the IA Rule.
NOTE! No certificate is provided for this course because the FSPCA Overview of the IA Rule course does not fulfill a regulatory requirement. No records are retained for your completion of this course.
FSPCA Overview of the IA Rule Online Course PDF
The FSPCA Intentional Adulteration online course PDFs are being made available publicly in keeping with transparency of FSPCA course material. However, the PDF versions do not represent the full experience of participating in the online courses.
Please Note
If applicable, this public PDF version of the course does not include the assessments, course interactions, or videos.
FSPCA course certificates are only issued at the completion of the full online courses.
The transcripts (words spoken during the online course) are included at the end of the PDFs rather than interspersed throughout as in the full online versions.